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SAI began manufacturing an entirely new category of medical products when it established the Professional Convalescent Company (PCP). PCP was all about home medical equipment like wheelchairs, mobility aids, bathroom safety equipment and “sickroom supplies” as well.  


PCP experienced phenomenal growth during the 1970s as demand for home medical equipment expanded dramatically, driven by an increase in the elderly population as well as in hospital costs.  

1970's PCP Packaging and Products
1980's PCP Packaging and Products


In the 1980s PCP products were a perfect fit and a valuable add-on for businesses already carrying other SAI products. The line expanded to include a wide range of support cushions and pillows along with other types of personal care and convenience items.  


In the 2000’s PCP implemented a brand revamp and introduced an extensive assortment of friendlier, more compact consumer packaging that educates the consumer to promote easy self-service purchase.  

2000's PCP Packaging
Modern PCP Packaging


PCP stands as one of the major categories under the SAI Brands umbrella, offering a sensible mix of products for home convalescence, and to help restore individuals to an active, independent lifestyle.  

  • Truform Leg Health Logo
  • OTC Professional Orthopaedic Logo
  • PCP Logo
  • Champion Health and Sports Supports Logo
  • Touch Compression Logo
  • CSX Logo